Friday, January 29, 2010

Shouts to Mz Mimz!

Hold Everything. Special shout outs have gotta go to my sister, Ms. Amber Mims, alter ego the soulful chantruese of D.C., Mz. Mimz. She makes her anticipated music video debut with none other than"Dutch Master", from the project, Thoughts While Getting Dressed...A Mixtape.

Dutch Master from amber mimz on Vimeo.

Shout outs to the production team; Holly Fitzgerald, style and direction, and Charlie Brown aka Chchcharlie, as the powerful vision behind the lens, and yours truly, jam-o on the cuts (editing).

Congratulations again! Mz. Mimz for the chance to collaborate on such a dope project!


Mimz said...

"chance"... u already know its a family affair! thx for the luv and lending ur talents bruh!